Jacob Massey grew up auctioneering, as his Hall of Fame Dad, Van has been in the Auction Business his entire life.

Jacob graduated from North Georgia School of Auctioneering in 2007, is a 2009 Tennessee State Champion, Mule Day Auctioneer Champion and Multiple WLAC Qualifying Event Champion and WLAC Finalist.

Jacob has been auctioneering since he was 7 or 8 and started selling his first cattle auction when he was 19 (and is still there).He sells 3 regular cattle auctions a week and multiple purebred cattle auctions a year.Jacob isn’t just a livestock auctioneer, he also runs cattle on his farm in Southern Middle Tennessee. He also buys and ships some cattle to other people.

Jacob is married to his beautiful wife Fallon and they now have 4 children.